Thursday 21 February 2013



go to: 

 This site and the following sites are advertisements for products/services - that I hope you find interesting enough to buy.
Sales, of course, usually pay commissions.......
The information for each site is taken from that site.

 or,    read on:                                                                                         

Announcing: The Amazing Computer Repair Videos that have Helped Thousands of People from Over 15 Countries Finally Fix Their PCs Once and For All... Without Ever Again Having to Go and Get Ripped Off at the Local Repair Shop!

"Save Money on Costly Repairs and
Even Start Your Own Business"

Watch This Sample Video:
Now YOU Can Fix Your Computer All By Yourself and Never Take Your PC to the Repair Shop Again
From the Desk of Ty Price,
Tech Enthusiast & Producer of PC Repair Videos

Dear PC Owner,
Which makes you more frustrated... your computer that never seems to work properly, or spending hundreds of dollars repairing it each year?
What if I told you that you can save hundreds of dollars by simply fixing your computer yourself, and easily learn how to prevent future virus attacks and other mishaps?

Computer Attacks are at an All-Time High

It seems that every day another friend of mine's Facebook account is getting hacked, their laptop fails to boot up, a hard drive dies, on and on...
Of course I get the occasional surprise visit from the evil computer leprechaun myself, but for the most part, I prevent a lot of problems from ever occurring.
I work in a company of about 200 hundred people. Over the last 6 years here, I've fixed viruses, replaced RAM, installed hard drives, installed graphics cards, removed junk files, etc.
But I'm not in the IT department... Nope, I'm just your ordinary guy that decided to take matters in my own hands and learn about how computers work and how to fix them.

Building Computers was the Catalyst for My Learning PC Repair and Jump Started My Career in Computers

I had a pretty big interest in computers and other techie stuff. I built my own computer when I was in high school. And looking back, do you know how I did it?
A nice guy named Dameon, who worked for my Dad, helped me buy the parts and put it together. After that I built a lot of machines for my friends and businesses.
And guess what? By learning how to build and also fix them, I've learned how to prevent most problems from creeping up because I'm aware of the dangers and I know what to stay away from.
It also jump started my career in web develop, design, and marketing, but I'm getting ahead of myself...
My hope for you is to learn what I've learned and finally take control of your PC, rather than the other way around.
Computer Repair Mastery Course
Computer Repair
Mastery Course

"Save Money on Costly Repairs and Even Start Your Own Business"

  • 9 Hours of Instructional, High Definition Video - Instant Online Viewing
  • 20 video lessons covering hardware and software repairs
  • Software and operating system repairs shown in Windows 7 and XP
  • 158-page Guide with written procedures, images, diagrams, and a glossary with over 350 terms
  • Hardware repair videos use a 2 camera set up so you can see exactly what we are doing
  • High quality screen captures with zooming so you can easily follow along with the software repair videos
  • The most exhaustive video course on PC repair available
 go to:


You probably read this on some sort of computing device:
Such things need maintenance.  There is a totally inappropriate sexist joke, in some quarters, about a little old 'person'' who wondered why the car would not go. When asked about when maintenance was last done - "What is that?"                  .............................................

Personal experience:
Yes, I lost my most precious photos. Because I did not have them copied, or backed up.
I now have them, (what I have left!!), copied, and backed up - I used:

Please back-up your precious documents - don't loose them, like I did.
And, please tell a friend - may save their .........
(The way it happened, wasn't even someone hacking! Some computer "tech" was eliminating some old files from my computer - to help it run faster. Bingo!! Photos gone!!!)

Concerning hacking.....
Did you know that there are now more than 220,000 new attempts to interfere with computers, created every day. Most are destroyed pretty quickly. BUT>>>>>>>>>    NOT all of them
Made me rethink my computer protection.
It is now, not a question of "ïf" they will take out my computer, it is a question of "when".........

So, I now use, and I recommend for you:

and,   BLOG DEFENDER:            http:com/c/48000/20094//gojvz.

and, this one is good:
        UniBLUE speed up my computer:    
Some old sage said something about being prepared, & vigilant.........yes......

As you know, sales may generate commissions......


You may have noticed that I have not asked you for your email......
I do not send pesty repeat emails to try & get you to buy........
(I personally find them annoying - and I don't do it to you.........)

In return, may I ask a favor??

If you would care to reconsider the information above, and purchase something - it would make us both happy!! 

Thursday 14 February 2013


“ Mass Traffic Domination "
Your Complete Blueprint To Generating
Unlimited Streams Of Traffic
go to:

 The following sites are advertisements for products/services - that I hope you find interesting enough to buy.
Sales, of course, usually pay commissions.......
The information for each site is taken from that site.

" Here's Something You May Not Know Though..."
The REAL reason why your website isn't getting enough traffic is because a critical piece of the Traffic Generation 'puzzle' has been kept from you.
And the odd thing about this 'missing piece' of the puzzle, is that it's actually hidden from you in PLAIN SIGHT!
Let me explain.
There's 'something' all the 'gurus' do to get a massive amount of traffic to their websites and it's in plain view for all to see, but only those on the 'inside' actually know what it is.
It's like watching a magic trick...
If you 'know' the secret, it's pretty obvious how the trick is done. But if you don't, it's just plain mystifying.
But the good news is, with my help, you too can be in the 'know' and start creating an avalanche of FREE targeted traffic to your website!

Let’s face it…
More Traffic = More Money

Traffic is the lifeblood of our online business, or any business for that matter. You must have traffic to make money, it’s a fact.
Take a good look at your computer and bookshelf.
How many 'courses' on generating traffic are lying there collecting dust?
Did ANY of them work?
Probably not.
I have been exactly where you are right now, and there's absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about.
Most of the stuff out there is grossly over priced, unadulterated horse manure.
I mean, I've spent thousands of dollars on expensive traffic courses, that purportedly reveals the 'real' secrets of traffic generation, only to find out that the whole friggin course is all about BUYING traffic.
Ain't no secret to that.

Ramp Up Your Bandwidth Big Time, Cos You're About To...
“ Unleash An Avalanche Of Fresh Hungry Buyers All With Credit In Hand And Eager To See Your Offer - To Any Website Fast!
Massive Traffic Surge After Surge To Your Website

go to:


more info at:


You probably read this on some sort of computing device:
Such things need maintenance.  There is a totally inappropriate sexist joke, in some quarters, about a little old 'person'' who wondered why the car would not go. When asked about when maintenance was last done - "What is that?"                  .............................................

Personal experience:
Yes, I lost my most precious photos. Because I did not have them copied, or backed up.
I now have them, (what I have left!!), copied, and backed up - I used:

Please back-up your precious documents - don't loose them, like I did.
And, please tell a friend - may save their .........
(The way it happened, wasn't even someone hacking! Some computer "tech" was eliminating some old files from my computer - to help it run faster. Bingo!! Photos gone!!!)

Concerning hacking.....
Did you know that there are now more than 220,000 new attempts to interfere with computers, created every day. Most are destroyed pretty quickly. BUT>>>>>>>>>    NOT all of them
Made me rethink my computer protection.
It is now, not a question of "ïf" they will take out my computer, it is a question of "when".........

So, I now use, and I recommend for you:

and,   BLOG DEFENDER:           http:com/c/48000/20094//gojvz.

and, this one is good:
        UniBLUE speed up my computer:    
Some old sage said something about being prepared, & vigilant.........yes......

As you know, sales may generate commissions......

You may have noticed that I have not asked you for your email......
I do not send pesty repeat emails to try & get you to buy........
(I personally find them annoying - and I don't do it to you.........)

In return, may I ask a favor??

If you would care to reconsider the information above, and purchase something - it would make us both happy!!  

And, thank-you for telling your friends.........

You can get free hosting here:

Monday 28 January 2013


Beautiful Quartz Cluster

        from google + wiki........

Dichroic filters are created using optically transparent materials.

Transparent materials appear clear, with the overall appearance of one color, or any combination leading up to a brilliant spectrum of every color. When light encounters a material, it can interact with it in several different ways. These interactions depend on the wavelength of the light and the nature of the material.
Some materials, such as plate glass and clean water, allow much of the light that falls on them to be transmitted, with little being reflected; such materials are called optically transparent. Many liquids and aqueous solutions are highly transparent. Absence of structural defects (voids, cracks, etc.) and molecular structure of most liquids are mostly responsible for excellent optical transmission.
Materials which do not allow the transmission of light are called opaque.                                        - Wiki.....

The book: "101 Power Crystals" : (from Amazon):

While at Amazon - take a look around - type anything into the search box - it is amazing what they have!!!!!!

 This site and the following sites are advertisements for products/services - that I hope you find interesting enough to buy.
Sales, of course, usually pay commissions.......
The information for each site is taken from that site.
A comment on making choices:

You may also wish to check out:   

Or, if you like cooking:
1.Chocolate recipe, even suitable for diabetics:
2.Spicy honey biscuits:
3.Pumpernickel bread, that is gluten-free:


You probably read this on some sort of computing device:
Such things need maintenance.  There is a totally inappropriate sexist joke, in some quarters, about a little old 'person'' who wondered why the car would not go. When asked about when maintenance was last done - "What is that?"                  .............................................

Personal experience:
Yes, I lost my most precious photos. Because I did not have them copied, or backed up.
I now have them, (what I have left!!), copied, and backed up - I used:

Please back-up your precious documents - don't loose them, like I did.
And, please tell a friend - may save their .........
(The way it happened, wasn't even someone hacking! Some computer "tech" was eliminating some old files from my computer - to help it run faster. Bingo!! Photos gone!!!)

Concerning hacking.....
Did you know that there are now more than 220,000 new attempts to interfere with computers, created every day. Most are destroyed pretty quickly. BUT>>>>>>>>>    NOT all of them
Made me rethink my computer protection.
It is now, not a question of "ïf" they will take out my computer, it is a question of "when".........

So, I now use, and I recommend for you:

and,   BLOG DEFENDER:            http:com/c/48000/20094//gojvz.

and, this one is good:
        UniBLUE speed up my computer:    
Some old sage said something about being prepared, & vigilant.........yes......

As you know, sales may generate commissions......

You may have noticed that I have not asked you for your email......
I do not send pesty repeat emails to try & get you to buy........
(I personally find them annoying - and I don't do it to you.........)

In return, may I ask a favor??
If you would care to reconsider the information above, and purchase something - it would make us both happy!!


that info one again:

And, here is where you can get free hosting:  

Thursday 20 December 2012

using CURATION to help with BLOGS

    There is a new plugin for WordPress that allows you to instantly create curated content in any niche for your blog sites.  


So how does WordPress Blog Curation work?

Firstly, a Web definition: The act of curating, of organizing and maintaining a collection of things, etc., (here: data, and processes). (The concept originated Dec 10, 2011). Content can be brought from other sites, all over the web                                               -Wiki......

There is a new plugin for WordPress that allows you to instantly
create curated content in any niche for your blog sites.

This plugin does everything for you. It searches the web, pulls
snippets, backlinks, and images. Then, it neatly places it all
on your blog posts, leaving you to only add an original description.

This is by far the best autoblog/curation plugin around:

WordPress Prize Plugin (very cool) 

 -This site and the following sites are advertisements for products/services - that I hope you find interesting enough to buy.
Sales, of course, usually pay commissions.......
The information for each site is taken from that site.

 New plugin just launched and you will not
believe the power of this one!

Chad Nicely & Chris Jenkins have created
the most powerful list building plugin to
ever hit the market.

WP Prize Patrol puts together building a Huge List!

Look at the power...

- Fantastic Eye Catching Pop Up that covers the page
that really draws the visitor in and captures their email address.

- Drop and Drag image upload and replacement.

- 3 Different professionally designed templates
already built in and ready to roll.

- Cookie setting with pull down menu to quickly
adjust your settings not to annoy your visitors.

- Highlight and change the headlines directly
inside of Plugin Interface (ground breaking technology)

- Viral buttons to with simple settings to get visitors to
share your pages on 3 Social Networks.
(The plugin makes it a no-brainer for people to share)

- & Much Much More

again the link:


another link you must see:

also, free hosting here:


a comment on making choices:

You probably read this on some sort of computing device:
Such things need maintenance.  There is a totally inappropriate sexist joke, in some quarters, about a little old 'person'' who wondered why the car would not go. When asked about when maintenance was last done -"What is that?"                  .............................................

Personal experience:
Yes, I lost my most precious photos. Because I did not have them copied, or backed up.
I now have them, (what I have left!!), copied, and backed up - I used:

Please back-up your precious documents - don't loose them, like I did.
And, please tell a friend - may save their .........
(The way it happened, wasn't even someone hacking! Some computer "tech" was eliminating some old files from my computer - to help it run faster. Bingo!! Photos gone!!!)

Concerning hacking.....
Did you know that there are now more than 220,000 new attempts to interfere with computers, created every day. Most are destroyed pretty quickly. BUT>>>>>>>>>    NOT all of them
Made me rethink my computer protection.
It is now, not a question of "ïf" they will take out my computer, it is a question of "when".........

So, I now use, and I recommend for you:



and, this one is good:
        UniBLUE speed up my computer: 

Some old sage said something about being prepared, & vigilant.........

A comment on making choices:
As you know, sales may generate commissipns......

You may have noticed that I have not asked you for your email......
I do not send pesty repeat emails to try & get you to buy........
(I personally find them annoying - and I don't do it to you.........)

In return, may I ask a favor??
If you would care to reconsider the information above, and purchase something - it would make us both happy!!  


Wednesday 19 December 2012

bottle art


It is surprising what can be make from bottles.

        This book is available at:

(In Australia, a bottle tree is a particular tree that looks like a bottle!!)

 This site and the following sites are advertisements for products/services - that I hope you find interesting enough to buy.
Sales, of course, usually pay commissions.......
The information for each site is taken from that site.

As I have said - "no bottle was safe once I discovered that they could be cut....."

If cutting them is a problem, Amazon sell a cutter;
This is the link:  

They also sell other cutters..........

Several books with ideas of what can be make are also at Amazon: e.g.;

While at Amazon, take a look around - just type the name of a  topic into the search bar  -         I always am surprised at what I find.

Have fun.......

Here is a site with tons of info:

You probably read this on some sort of computing device:
Such things need maintenance.  There is a totally inappropriate sexist joke, in some quarters, about a little old 'person'' who wondered why the car would not go. When asked about when maintenance was last done -"What is that?"                  .............................................

Personal experience:
Yes, I lost my most precious photos. Because I did not have them copied, or backed up.
I now have them, (what I have left!!), copied, and backed up - I used:

Please back-up your precious documents - don't loose them, like I did.
And, please tell a friend - may save their .........
(The way it happened, wasn't even someone hacking! Some computer "tech" was eliminating some old files from my computer - to help it run faster. Bingo!! Photos gone!!!)

Concerning hacking.....
Did you know that there are now more than 220,000 new attempts to interfere with computers, created every day. Most are destroyed pretty quickly. BUT>>>>>>>>>    NOT all of them
Made me rethink my computer protection.
It is now, not a question of "ïf" they will take out my computer, it is a question of "when".........

So, I now use, and I recommend for you:



and, this one is good:
        UniBLUE speed up my computer: 

Some old sage said something about being prepared, & vigilant.........

A comment on making choices:
As you know, sales may generate commissions......

You may have noticed that I have not asked you for your email......
I do not send pesty repeat emails to try & get you to buy........
(I personally find them annoying - and I don't do it to you.........)

In return, may I ask a favor??
If you would care to reconsider the information above, and purchase something - it would make us both happy!! 

